COVID-19 Policy

Great Lakes Wine & Spirits has taken the following action steps to ensure the safety of our employees and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with OSHA and CDC recommendations:

Implement Basic Infection Prevention Measures

  • Emphasizing basic infection prevention measures. Implement good hygiene and infection control including frequent and thorough hand- washing, encourage employees to stay home if sick, and respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes with tissue or sleeve
  • Employees to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (phones, computers, keyboards, desks, etc.).
  • Hands-free doors, trash cans, hand sanitization stations
  • Sanitize office, warehouse, and delivery vehicles between each shift
  • New café procedures including pre-packaged food, only handled by SERV Safe Provider.
  • Social Distancing and Hygiene Safety signs displayed in all facilities


Implement Workplace Controls

  • Any employee exhibiting symptoms must leave the facility immediately
  • Utilizing Telemedicine service for all employees
  • Sanitization kits in each delivery vehicle
  • Restructured and painted/marked zones in warehouse to (visually) ensure social distancing in warehouse workspaces
  • No out-state/country visitors allowed in building(s)
  • Flexible work schedules, staggered start times, work remotely if/when possible
  • Providing workers with up-to-date information on COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors
  • Daily discussions with union stewards and union leadership to address any issues ideas or best practices


For Michigan Coronavirus/COVID-19 information and updates go to